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Private home visits for mental health care and complex care offer the support you need for improved mental wellbeing in the safe, familiar and comfortable environment of your home. Dependent on the level of care you need, we provide flexible visit schedules – from daily to monthly appointments.
Our highly qualified clinical staff will meet with clients with acute or longstanding mental illnesses in their own homes or in the community, providing tailored programmes and support. With mental health home visits, we aim to improve the quality of life for our clients and aid in their rehabilitation.
During home visits, our professional staff will assess you or your loved one’s condition and develop a unique treatment plan that best suits the condition you are facing. The plan could include discussion-based therapy options such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (private CBT therapy) and medication if and where necessary.
Home visit services from our team are suitable for individuals with a range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and more. Depending on the level of care needed, we can offer 24/7 support from qualified nurses in severe cases.
If you have any questions or would more information regarding our services, you can contact us on 020 3941 2000.
If you or a loved one are in need of complex care, whether that be through a brain injury or other form of personal injury – we can also provide home visit support packages to help your road to recovery. Our team of complex care specialists provide tailored support packages to help your rehabilitation through a range of different therapies most relevant to your current situation.
The majority of clients suffering from mental illness are successfully treated as outpatients with medication or therapy delivered by our therapists or GPs. Response to medication and therapy varies but in uncomplicated episodes, an initial improvement is usually observed within 3-4 weeks.
Progress, however, can be slow in a significant proportion of clients with certain types of mental illness leading to significant consequences; in a smaller proportion of cases, medication or therapy will only achieve a certain level of improvement in severe symptoms or everyday function:
The role of our clinical staff under these circumstances is to help clients accomplish further improvements through integrated care, regular psychiatry home visits, and support of clients and their relatives to manage mental illness more effectively.
Our private mental health therapists are experienced in working with individuals of all ages and have the expertise to deliver comprehensive, personalised care. We understand that no two client’s needs will be the same, so we tailor our visits accordingly.
Through our home visits, we hope to improve your or a loved one’s quality of life and help them build the skills and resources needed to cope with their mental illness.
Home visits are not suitable for clients with severe symptoms and consequences requiring more intensive live-in care or hospital admission.
Home visits are regular or monthly visits to your home or community in the form of appointments with our clinical staff to support and monitor clients. The purpose of these visits is to improve quality of life and help with rehabilitation through tailored programmes consisting of effective techniques, methods or medication.
The type of treatment provided will depend on the individual. If an individual is needing private therapy at home or requires a different form of private mental health support, home visits can provide flexibility in their treatment.
Mental health home visits by our Claimont clinical staff allow monitoring and review of clients with longstanding or recurring serious mental illnesses. We’ll provide private mental health support and rehabilitation, reducing the risk of acute relapses, lack of progress and hospital admissions.
If you or your loved one is living with a mental illness but would prefer treatment in the comfort of a familiar location, our qualified clinical staff will visit you and assess your condition. You can get in touch with us to learn more about our home visit services.
Our team at Claimont will support clients during an episode of mental illness and who continue to suffer residual symptoms of mental illness. In addition to helping clients through private mental health support, home visits help clients to address broader rehabilitation goals, pacing their recovery to reduce the risk of clients over-exerting themselves or stagnating, and aiming to restore everyday function over a period of time.
A significant proportion of clients who have suffered an episode of mental illness will continue to experience some residual consequences of severe symptoms for weeks or months after overcoming the ‘acute’ phase. We will be on hand to provide support during this period so you don’t have to handle it alone.
Approximately 30% of clients suffering schizophrenia will experience blunted affect, conceptual disorganisation, passive or apathetic social withdrawal, emotional withdrawal, lack of judgement and insight, poor attention, somatic concern, difficulty with abstract thinking, anxiety and poor rapport. Whether it’s a private mental health therapist or our support team, we’re always on hand to provide support.
Approximately 50% of clients with depression will suffer 2 or more residual symptoms even after successful treatment with medication or therapy. Among the most frequent residual symptoms of depression are ongoing low mood, guilt, insomnia, anxiety, impaired work, loss of interest, irritability, fatigue, lowered libido, and a range of somatic or physical symptoms, including backache, muscle ache, stomach aches and joint pain. In addition to physical and emotional residual symptoms, cognitive deficits may remain in clients who otherwise appear to have reached remission, such as impaired memory processes and decreased cognitive reactivity.
Residual symptoms are a predictor of relapse regardless of whether the client was treated with medications or with psychotherapy: 76% of clients with residual symptoms of depression will relapse within a year of remission from the previous episode compared to 25% of clients without residual symptoms on remission.
The key to managing mental illness is early detection, monitoring and review. Our clinical staff can provide one-to-one tailored support and advice on how to manage stress and prevent relapse. This includes recommending strategies to improve sleep, diet, exercise, relaxation techniques and reduce the risk of potential triggers or other environmental factors that could lead to a deterioration in mental health. Through our private mental health counselling, we can also provide the steps mentioned to aid in your treatment.
Clients who have suffered an episode of mental illness are very likely to suffer future episodes or to experience residual consequences. Some of the reasons for relapsing are:
You can speak with someone today about mental health home visits on 020 3941 2000 or request a call back using this form.
At Claimont we take your privacy very seriously and we use the utmost discretion when contacting you. Everything that we talk about is kept in the strictest confidence and will not be shared by Claimont to anyone outside the organisation without obtaining your consent first.
Care Quality Commission | January 2023
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