Anxiety Treatment
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Experts suggest that experiencing difficulties during childhood, adolescence or adulthood can trigger anxiety later in life. Call our enquiries team for a confidential chat about private treatment for anxiety. 020 3941 2000
Those who suffer from anxiety often find that a combination of treatments works best to keep their symptoms under control and prevent reoccurrence. Claimont helps their clients by involving mental health experts that support, treat and care for them at home, making hospitalisation less likely for this debilitating condition. We are here to let you know that you don’t have to go through this alone, our experts are here to help with the experience of mental illness and can offer support, care and solutions to challenging situations.
Anxiety is a feeling that will have an impact on everyone at some point in their life, be it during times of high stress or even worry. For some, those feelings will fade as soon as the stressful situation is over, but for others these feelings can continue to impact day to day life. Through various therapies and treatment programmes we can highlight the cause of anxieties and worries, helping to combat the cognitive and psychological symptoms. Treatment can be different for each individual as it is important to find something that works, but this may not work for the next person. Talking about the problem, learning to relax and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can curb those anxieties and worries, but there are also other techniques and treatments available.
Anxiety symptoms will be specific to each individual, but common signs can include the following:
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As with many mental health disorders, there is often no single cause for anxiety occurring. Experts suggest that experiencing difficulties during childhood, adolescence or adulthood can trigger anxiety later in life, with traumatic events such as losing a parent, being bullied and physical or emotional abuse by a parent or partner all being common in clients suffering from the illness. Current life problems including exhaustion or high stress, being unemployed, homeless or having money problems have all been known to trigger anxiety.
Quite often, anxiety can develop from another mental health illness such as depression or an ongoing health problem, making it increasingly difficult for those suffering to identify a way through their feelings and symptoms.
Treatment of anxiety is most effective when the type and any causes are identified. Below are some common types of anxiety, although this is not an exhaustive list:
Regularly having uncontrollable feelings of worry that surface without any clear trigger and persist for many hours. Can often be overwhelming for the person and consist of many possible emotional and physical symptoms. Because of this, GAD can be a very broad diagnosis and experiences can differ highly between sufferers.
Panic attacks that occur spontaneously and unexpectedly, consisting of an elevated heart rate, shallow breathing, light-headedness and dizziness. The sufferer becomes engulfed with the fear of a recurring attack which in turn triggers them, becoming a vicious circle.
Recurring unwanted thoughts or sensations that drive a person to do something repetitively, which can interfere with their day to day life. These repetitive thoughts and behaviours can include cleanliness, security and order but can also include many others.
When an individual suffers anxiety that may be brought on by exposure to a variety of traumatic events in their life, such as warfare and childhood neglect. It can cause flashbacks and an uneasy feeling of surroundings or situations that remind them of the events.
An extreme rapid fear triggered by a situation or object. These commonly include flying, spiders and heights. There are also a huge amount of uncommon, complex phobias such as phagophobia, the fear of swallowing. Our private anxiety specialists are highly trained and experienced in dealing with phobias.
If you are struggling with anxiety and need help controlling the symptoms, contact Claimont today to see how our personalised private anxiety treatment plans can help you on the road to recovery. Our experts have a wealth of experience in enriching people’s lifestyles through effective anxiety treatment.
Generally, anxiety is treated through psychological therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (also known as CBT). Further techniques can help reduce anxiety such as applied relaxation and help from trained psychiatrists and occupational therapists. In certain cases, different forms of medication can be administered to help reduce anxiety symptoms. There are also private companies such as Claimont that combine various methods in order to treat and solve anxiety.
Anxiety comes in various different forms and can often differ in severity, symptoms and side effects. They are a group of mental illnesses, as the distress caused by anxiety can cause extreme unhappiness and prevent people from living a satisfactory lifestyle. For those who have anxiety, fear, worry and paranoia can be so severe that it becomes disabling.
If you have severe anxiety and have experimented with a number of different methods to solve it, you may need to be referred to a specialist so that they can fully understand your anxiety, why it occurs, and help you take the next steps towards being anxiety free. If you are looking for anxiety treatment from home, contact Claimont today to see how we can help you.
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